I just released rake-dotnet 0.1.15. Here is the changelog:

=== 0.1.15 / 2009-09-23

CHANGE: Xunit.NET - cope with v1.5 release which packages an x86 console runner as well as x64 one, in combination with wanting to run x86 one if it exists because of WatiN seeming to not be happy running under x64.

=== 0.1.14 / 2009-09-08

FIX: Versioner: Replace the RDNVERSION constant with calls to Versioner.new.get

CHANGE: Added version task for convenience

=== 0.1.13 / 2009-09-01

FIX: Versioner: Need to make the version.txt file a file-task, so assembly_info can depend on it.

=== 0.1.12 / 2009-08-29

FIX: Versioner: Cache the version number to a file, so CI can pull/push it and maintain same version number throughout CI pipeline stages

  • CHANGE: Xunit.NET - cope with v1.5 release which packages an x86 console runner as well as x64 one, in combination with wanting to run x86 one if it exists because of WatiN seeming to not be happy running under x64.
  • FIX: Versioner: Replace the RDNVERSION constant with calls to Versioner.new.get
  • CHANGE: Added version task for convenience
  • FIX: Versioner: Need to make the version.txt file a file-task, so assembly_info can depend on it.
  • FIX: Versioner: Cache the version number to a file, so CI can pull/push it and maintain same version number throughout CI pipeline stages

Note: there is still an off-by-one error with the build-number of the Versioner feature.